Are you ready to be happy? You can be happy by making up your mind to be. Yes it’s just that simple – just make up your mind! Happiness dwells within you. You don’t have to go far to find it. It is an internal process. It is actually your natural state of being. You were not born unhappy. However, your mind has become cluttered with unhappy experiences and you have forgotten about happiness. Your happy muscle has become atrophied.
It takes up as much energy if not more to be unhappy. What makes it FEEL so comfortable and easy to be unhappy is that you are so accustomed to living your life that way. You may have had a traumatic childhood and the pain of that experience has been relived in your mind and created similar experiences in your life for many years. You then were programmed into believing that happiness exists outside of you. You were taught that happiness is attained because of something or someone else. Why does this happen? Because every time something or someone else who jolts you out of your every day of existence of misery, he/she or it becomes a savior or a messiah to your mind. However, true and lasting happiness comes from within but your mind just doesn’t know or understand that yet. This is learned through time, experience or study. The happy experiences give you a taste and a longing for more. A longing to discover the meaning and feeling of true inner happiness is implanted into your mind.
Your quantum body (mind, body, emotions and spirit), however, is so comfortable with pain and hurt that the experience of true inner happiness feels like a shock to its system. This shock to your quantum body becomes an internal revolution. There is a war going on inside of you and you experience a metamorphosis. The war is between your mind and the rest of you. This is why when you experience positive change you sometimes become fatigued, emotionally hung over, and even ill. Your quantum body has been shocked by the pure and simple fact that there is something else that is different from your mind’s knowing thus far.
Unhappiness is not who you really are but it continues to be so because you have not turned on the switch to be happy. It’s like going to the gym for the first time. You are doing something wonderful for you but your body is not accustomed to it. The body feels sore and hurt after being used in a different way. However, once the body is trained it begins to feel better and respond differently than before. You feel lighter, stronger and alert. The same thing happens when you make up your mind to be happy. It feels foreign to you at first. Your mind may even distrust the happiness and say, “this isn’t real,” or “what’s the catch?” Your mind may even look for ways to convince you something is wrong because it is just not accustomed to you being happy. But with time, persistence, determination, etc. you can make up your mind to be HAPPY every single day!
You possess the power to change your mind. Train it as you would with anything else. Happiness is 100% your responsibility to achieve. You can do it!!!
Love Yourself! Weekly Assignment
I invite you to journal about the following questions:
• Do you know what makes you happy? Is it taking a stroll in the park, playing with a dog or children? What is it?
• Do you recognize life as a gift or a burden?
• Do you believe money will buy you happiness? Or that happiness comes solely from material things?
• Do you take time to enjoy life (at least a half hour or more each day)?
• Do you open yourself up to intimacy (emotional)? Or do you close yourself off to being genuinely connected to anyone for fear of being hurt?
• Are you in a relationship with someone solely for his/her deep pockets (they have money/material things) or physical appearance?
• Do you know what you really want out of life? What do you wish you could change about you and your life?
• Are you truly happy doing what your doing, or living where you are living?
• Do you expect too much from others – expect them to make you happy by doing or being X,Y, or Z? Or do you expect people to hurt or disappoint you just like when you were a child?
Do you believe in yourself? Do accept yourself for you? Do you love you for you?