Have you been receiving various emails and mailings about what you need to do in order to fix yourself this year? Yet another email feeding off the limiting belief that you are broken? Well, I must admit I did send out those types of messages in the past. I believed we should treat ourselves like projects always trying to get somewhere other than where we are right now. The message I would send was based on what I had been taught and believed about myself. I believed there was always something I needed to do to fix myself and if something was so called “wrong” in my life meant I was “broken” in some way.
Even some of the new age spiritual messages that are coming in fast and furiously about each of us needing to shift might be causing you some confusion right now. You (meaning your mind) might be interpreting these messages as I need to end this relationship right now, or I need to quit my job and change careers like yesterday, or it’s do or die if I’m going to take this weight off!, etc. While we are all being nudged to get a move on it with living our lives through our hearts and with truth, it doesn’t mean that everything in your life is a complete mess. It means stop what you are doing to avoid yourself and go inside to take a closer look at the real you!
Now does this mean you don’t have desires about being the best you can be? No. Does this mean you don’t desire to be healthier in body, mind, and spirit? No. It just means accept who you are for who you are right now. Stop trying to make yourself into someone else or even new. For example, let’s say you have a computer or a phone and it has been used for a year and you receive notification that an upgraded version of the software you have on your system is now available. You choose to move forward with the upgrade. However, does this mean you have a new computer or phone? No. Like you, it might operate differently (different thoughts and perspectives), it might be faster (physically healthier), user-friendly (more loving and truthful), offer more features (open minded), better virus protection (healthier boundaries), even have enhanced graphics (more intuitive and creative) but you can’t say it or you is DIFFERENT or NEW.
By choosing to believe that you are broken and can be fixed to become someone else or even new means you have completely abandoned yourself. The message you are sending to yourself is you are not good enough even for you. Transformation comes when you realize you are whom you are and you accept and love all of you. When you love and accept you in the body you are in, the thoughts and feelings you think and feel, and the way you see life is when your whole world shifts and yes changes.
Healing is about self-acceptance. Accepting yourself is loving and being happy with who you are right now, even though you may want to upgrade your software or accessories someday. It’s about seeing yourself clearly, all of you, and appreciating whom you are in this very moment with your current operating system. So during this New Year – make a resolution to love and accept YOU, and commit to it! I dare you to take this challenge. I guarantee you will be 100% satisfied with the results.
Some of the ways you can unconditionally accept and love yourself:
* Identify the conditions you force yourself to meet before you accept and love yourself.
* Ask yourself and journal about: Why they block you from being unconditional accepting and loving?
* Analyze if the conditions you put on yourself are reasonable, rational or realistic?
*Create healthy alternative thoughts which free you up to be more unconditional with yourself.
* Recognize that the limits and rules of appropriate behaviors which you expect yourself to conform to are rules for being accepted by others, survival, getting along, coping, but are not the qualities of freely accepting and loving yourself.