Individual Sessions with Diana allow you to explore your feelings, memories, fears and goals in a safe, caring, and confidential environment. Clients often start with an Intuitive Transformational Coaching session, but there are also a number of specialty services and packages available below.
Intuitive Transformational Coaching
An Intuitive Transformational Coaching session will help you to feel centered, gain clarity, and discover answers about your life’s direction. In these sessions, you will receive everyday tools and practice several exercises to help you implement changes now in a way that feels fun and right for you!
Diana will help you to:
- Trust yourself and your soul’s guidance
- Feel more aligned with all parts of you
- Love your life with your whole heart
Sessions are 60 minutes for $150

A Intuitive Transformational Coaching package is a customized and focused coaching plan, which spans multiple sessions. This program is designed for you to discover your authentic self and learn how to express it. Each session will empower you to stretch beyond your comfort zone and work through your own resistance, so you can achieve your life and relationship intentions. You will learn how to effectively connect to spirit and master the inner you as you learn transformational skills that you can immediately apply to your life. You will also receive daily practical tools to help you break through past patterns and behaviors and consciously co-create the life of your dreams.
PSYCH-K® Session
PSYCH-K® is a safe and easy method to shift negative self-limiting beliefs into positive self-enhancing beliefs in minutes. This process transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, will power, and positive thinking and is especially effective in the areas of behavioral/habit change, wellness and stress reduction.
With this method, Diana utilizes muscle testing to determine whether a person’s subconscious mind accepts a given belief or not. If there is an empowering belief that a person would like to instill that they don’t currently believe as indicated through the muscle test then a series of balancing exercises would be use, which help the person fully utilize their entire brain, balancing both the right and left hemispheres.
Sessions are 60 minutes for $150.00.
Save $50 or more when you purchase a session package.

Intuitive Soul Readings
Utilizing Soul Coaching Oracle cards and intuitive senses, Diana helps you receive messages from Source (Universe/Higher Soul/Spirit) about your current experiences, and gain clarity on the steps you can take to heal your situation, whether it’s relationships, career, creativity, or spiritual path. Do you know what your soul is trying to tell you? Would you like to connect with Spirit, so you can feel more at peace and move forward with your life?
Sessions are 30 minutes for $100.00.
Energy Healing & Emotional Clearing
Energy healing addresses the energetic connections between your mind, body, spirit and emotions. In these sessions, Diana uses Life Force Energy to accelerate the healing process your body needs utilizing Reiki, Quantum Touch, or a combination of both.
Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive healing practice administered by light touch. Hands are placed in various positions to promote deep relaxation, stress reduction, and almost immediate pain relief.
The Quantum-Touch techniques teach us how to focus and amplify life-force energy by combining various breathing and body awareness exercises. This practice is very helpful to clients who are dealing with issues of:
- Forgiveness
- Letting go
- Willingness to move forward
- Living in the present
Sessions are 60 minutes for $125.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Session
NLP focuses on identifying the ways in which we have been “programmed” to think, act, and feel and learning how to free ourselves from unwanted limiting habits and beliefs.
NLP provides practical ways in which you can change:
- the way that you think
- how you view past events
- how you approach your life
Using perceptual, behavioral, and communication techniques, NLP makes it easier for people to change their thoughts and actions. In this way we are creating more richly rewarding choices.
Sessions are 60 minutes for $150.00.

Client Successes
Intuitive Transformational Coaching Client Success Diana’s technique was unlike anything I had done before and it has assisted me in moving forward more than any of the many other modalities and practices I had previously experienced. It gets to the CORE of what was holding me back. It fully integrates all parts of my being: mind, body, spirit and emotional. It helps me understand my ego and how-to better work with that part of me. My life is finally all coming together beautifully, and Diana has been an integral part of that. “Woohoo!” – Luisa Frey
Intuitive Soul Reading Client Success You and Spirit really helped me in letting me know I have choices. To have been able to speak to you with Spirit was just what I needed. Thank you! – Eileen G.
Energy Healing and Emotional Clearing I want to thank you for your accurate assessment on my situation during session. I came in, with what I told you, was a lung problem, but you came up with a problem with my 5th chakra. You said I was holding things in that needed to be said. At first, I couldn’t understand it, but as the day went on, I got a clear picture of what I had to do. I am still not completely there yet, as the issues have to be handled delicately, but I have not forgotten and have tackled one important issue. It came out well. As for my lung discomfort, the morning after the open house, it was all gone and has not returned. Amazing! I look forward to joining one of your groups in the future. You have a wonderful gift. – AN, New Jersey
Not sure where to start or what your needs truly are? The packages below are designed to help you quickly pick out a program that covers a variety of areas:
Starter Package- If you’re looking for passion and direction in your life, but you’re not quite sure where to start, this is the package for you. Consisting of 2 Intuitive Transformational Coaching sessions, 1 Intuitive Soul Reading and 1 Energy Clearing session, this package will help you acclimate to intuitive thinking and set you on a path to clarity.
Wellness Package– Combining 1 Intuitive Transformational Coaching session, and 2 Energy Clearing sessions, this package is great if you are looking to feel good, increase clarity and generally optimize your physical and emotional well-being.
The Reboot- Have you ever just wanted to hit reboot on life? Wash it all away and start over? This package is designed to achieve that feeling emotionally and spiritually. Combined sessions of Intuitive Transformational Coaching, Energy Healing, Neurolinguistic Programming and PsychK help you to clear out negative energy and emotional “programming”, hone in on your wants, needs and limiting beliefs and start fresh on a clear emotional path.
Cleansing Package– Are you looking to detoxify your soul and start fresh? Beginning with an introductory Intuitive Transformational Coaching session, further emotional cleansing is achieved through 2 Energy Healing sessions and 1 PsychK session for an intensely intuitive package.
Soul Package- Sometimes your soul is calling out to you and you just can’t hear what the message is. Beginning with 2 Intuitive Soul Readings and ending with an Intuitive Transformational Coaching session, this package helps you discover this hidden message.